Frequency Immersion Practitioner Program
The Frequency Immersion Practitioner training takes about a year to complete when staying on a weekly schedule. Click on the module title to see lesson topics and purchase through Gumroad.
NOTE: This program is based on the premise that we are spiritual beings where we function from a "higher perspective" with assistance from a higher source of power seated in Perfect Love (many call Creator or God) that assists us in the process. "Religious" thinking is not part of the program although spiritual ideas and thought processes are prevalent throughout.
- Module 1: Live Healthy and Happy ($400) This class includes 16 lessons with approximately 3 - 4 hours of homework per lesson. Anyone can take Module 1, especially if you're desiring to work through "stuff" in your life that's keeping you from moving forward. Live Healthy and Happy is all about self-care so you can easily help others. Module 1 comes with email support through homework assignments and feedback.
- Module 2: Practical Application ($550) This class includes 12 lessons with approximately 4 - 5 hours of homework per lesson and is available to those who desire to become Frequency Immersion Practitioners. Upon completion of Module 2, there's an application and interview to determine if you're ready for Module 3. Module 1 and 2 are possible to take concurrently. Module 2 comes with two private Zoom calls in addition to email support and feedback for homework.
- Module 3: Develop Your Style ($800) Once you're accepted into the FIP program, you'll be allowed to register for Module 3. Materials are sent via email upon payment. Module 3 includes 12 lessons with approximately 5 - 6 hours of homework per lesson and includes as many Zoom calls as needed.
- In-Person Training ($1,500) Upon completion of all homework, then the 5-day in-person training may be scheduled. Our facilities are in north Idaho near the Ceour d'Alene area. You'll fly into the Spokane International Airport. Training generally takes place outside the winter months because of north Idaho weather.
- Certification! (no extra cost) Once in-person training is complete, each new Frequency Immersion Practitioner will complete 10 additional sound baths and go through a final interview in the certification process.
Module 1: Living Healthy and Happy
In this course, you learn about the power of intent and how that "creates" all kinds of things in our lives - the good, the bad, and the ugly. What comes from our consciousness can make or break what goes into our creative process. You'll learn how to function from a position of rest as you marinate in Perfect Love while walking through your own healing journey that ultimately frees up your creative abilities. This module is all about self care and how to function from an optimal energectic position so you're able to help customers go through their own healing journey. In Module 1, you work on yourself first.
NOTE!!! Anyone can take Module 1 whether you want to be a Frequency Immersion Practitioner or not. If anything, you'll discover how to take care of yourself - spiritually, emotionally, and physically! Personal feedback on the lessons is available for anyone who signs up for Module 1 and is included with the price.
Module 2: Practical Application ($550)
In module 2, you'll receive more individualized attention. This is one reason the course is a bit more expensive. Here, you learn the following: 1) The musical frequencies of the Hebrew letters as part of the creative process (meanings of each letter, how that's represented in musical notes, etc.). 2) Understand musical intervals as they relate to meanings within numbers. 3) Each musical note carries its own property and has a meaning. 4) The importance of movement and motion as creative frequencies. 5) How these techniques are part of preparing sound baths for customers.
Even if you're not a musician when you start Module 2, there needs to be a desire to "be musical" in your creative piece. Being a Frequency Immersion Practitioner involves the use of crystal bowls and percussion instruments in a spontaneous manner according to your personal style when producing sound baths for clients. What's within you will come through your sound baths.
There's a lot of beginning music theory in Module 2 to prepare you for Module 3. In addition, there are some business models presented to help you become successful as an entrepreneur. You'll also receive two personal Zoom calls with Del as part of the course fee.
Module 3: Develop Your Style ($800)

After your application for Module 3 is accepted, you'll be invited to sign up for Module 3. If you're not accepted the first time around, that doesn't mean your not good enough. In most cases, people simply need a bit more healing in areas of their lives so they're not negatively affected by what's coming from clients. This is one reason we focus so much on self care in Module 1. It's important for us to understand that what's within us can also affect clients. No one is perfect but we still want to be in a position when working with others that we don't feel drained of energy or "take on" what customers carry.
Module 3 is all about taking what you learned in Module 2 and making it your own. When it comes to individualizing your own style, you learn methods that work best for your personal situation. In creating frequency immersion sound baths, some people add keyboard parts. Others sing and include sound effects or create layers of additional instruments. Being a Frequency Immersion Practitioner allows you the freedom to cater every sound bath to individual styles and desires because they're all created spontaneously. Since no two clients are alike, no two sound baths will be the same either. This is one reason it's important to foster and fine-tune your personal creative side.
In-Person Training ($1,500)
In-person training is scheduled upon completion of all the homework in Module 3. You arrive for a five-day training ready to give sound baths (both online and in-person)! You'll generally complete 10 sounds baths during the in-person training where you work closely with Del and possibly another trainee. There's plenty of one-on-one time with Del where you learn the "musicianship" of playing all the instruments. It's possible to get many different sounds out of a crystal bowl and other percussion instruments! Del shows you how to do that. If you need additional help, sign up for MENTORING through the Healing Frequencies Music website.
Further details about in-person training are provided in Module 3.