Learn to be a Frequency Immersion Practitioner!
What is a frequency Immersion Practitioner?
A Frequency Immersion Practitioner uses crystal bowls as the main set of instruments (amid a myriad of other instruments) to create a healing and peaceful sound bath experience for clients. Practitioners learn a scientific method, developed by Del Hungerford, as a beginning step for their personal practitioner journey. Practitioners learn self care and the basics of how frequency, intent, and energy work (Module 1) when creating an effective sound bath for others. To understand the scientific method, some basic music theory is required (Module 2). From there, the real fun starts! In Module 3, practitioners create all that's needed to run their own sound bath business whether it be online or in person. This includes building forms, learning basic audio recording and mastering techniques, and creating all the necessary paperwork to be a successful Frequency Immersion Practitioner. In-person training follows in the beautiful state of Idaho where all potential practitioners work directly with Del.
Click the button below to read what the customer sees when ordering a sound bath on the Healing Frequencies Music website...

Stay Healthy and Happy!
We realize that our creative gifts come from our Divine Creator. As we step into greater personal maturity where we learn to function from a place of Perfect Love, what comes from within us flows into what we create and then into those around us. We bring the heart of Creator to each recipient through positive energy that is laced with love, healing, and anything a recipient needs to bring him/her into greater wholeness - spirit, soul, and body.
learn to use a variety of instruments
To be a successful Frequency Immersion Practitioner, you learn to include your personal style within your creative side! This involves understanding that you are a creative, learning some basic recording techniques, comprehending a minimal amount of music theory, learning how to play crystal singing bowls, and working with a variety of percussion instruments. Being a musician is helpful but not required. If you are willing to put in some practice and have the ability to persist, you will succeed! Eventually, you'll want a full set of crystal singing bowls and a myriad of percussion instruments. Start collecting them now!

in-person training!
Everyone starts out in Module 1: Living Healthy and Happy where you learn proper self care while dealing with issues in your own life that could hold you back from being a successful practitioner. Module 2: Practical Application involves learning the technical details of basic music theory, sacred geometry, gematria, and all the pieces that demonstrate the healing properties of music.
Upon completion of the first two modules, there's an application process that determines if you're ready for the in-person training with Del. Upon acceptance, you enter Module 3: Develop Your Personal Style. At the end of the coursework, you travel to Idaho to give sound baths to customers. You'll spend five days creating sound baths for online and in-person clients.
The process...
In Module 1, you'll learn the basics of how frequency and energy works and about the power of your thoughts, intents, and actions and how that affects you spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Then, you focus on dealing with personal traumas and life experiences in a "gentle" manner so you are better able to help others. Discover the power of intent as part of any creative process. Learn how the spirit, soul, and body work as a unit to bring greater harmony and wholeness into your being. And finally, exercise the imagination through lots of visualization!
CLICK HERE to purchase the course for $400
It's always a good idea to sign up for sound baths so you'll understand the process. For each sound bath, you choose the notes that your being wants at that time. A song is created for you using those notes. Once the song is finished, you're emailed an MP3 file of the song along with affirmations for you to speak over yourself as a method of "cementing" into your being what your practitioner heard, felt, and sensed during your session.
SIGN UP for your personal sound bath for $119
Starting in Module 2: Practical Application, you learn the following: 1) The musical frequencies of the Hebrew letters as part of the creative process (meanings of each letter, how that's represented in musical notes, etc.). 2) Understand musical intervals as they relate to meanings within numbers. 3) Each musical note carries its own property and has a meaning. 4) How these techniques are part of preparing sound baths for customers. You'll continue to work on learning the best "self care" protocols so you stay healthy and happy.
Available January 2025 for $550
How to Access Your Courses
All materials are purchased through and downloadable from Gumroad. You'll need a FREE Gumroad account to access the materials. Simply login to your Gumroad account upon purchase, go to your dashboard, and download the files from there. There's a link for every module in the courses where you can purchase all course materials (PDF's and audio MP3 files). All video teachings are embedded into the PDF documents as clickable links.
What's so awesome about Gumroad? Stream all MP3's directly from the Gumroad app! Download the PDF's (and MP3's if you so desire) to all your devices. If something happens and your computer crashes or a device is lost, go back into your account and grab the files again.
NOTE: Do NOT wait for Gumroad to send you a link after purchase! Go to your Gumroad account and you'll find all your purchases on your dashboard.
Here’s our Awesome Team
As part of your training, you'll work with Del and others who've gone before you!

Del Hungerford

Joanne Dusatko

Diane Holladay
Want a personal sound bath?

Open hours
Tues/Wed 9am - 4pm
Friday 10am - 4pm
Most sound baths are ordered online and created within two weeks of an order at times convenient for the practitioner.
610 E. Ockert St. S., Oldtown, ID 83822